Name: Starcrystal Ravenwolf
Ancestory: Scottish, Native American, with links to Orion, Pleiadian & Elven
Age: Unknown. Physically, early 40's. Spiritually, approximately 7,000
Animal Friends: Dogs/Wolves, Cats, Ravens, Hawks, Eagles
Totem Animals: Raven, Wolf, Hawk, Buffalo, Coyote, Owl
Spiritual Energies & Connectives: God/Jesus, Wind, Fire, Solar Energies
I had my first paranormal experience (that I remember) at the age of 5 when I saw a UFO from my Grandmothers
window. This is described in the first part of Orion Files. At the age of 8 I saw a fully 3-dimensional, physical, Buffalo
head appear on the wall in my lighted bedroom while I was fully awake. I ran out of my room scared and screaming, but years
later learned this had been one of the most powerful visions a Native person can have.
As a teenager I was sent to an Atheistic boarding school, and the only spirituality I heard at all was from
Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin music. After getting out of there, and graduating High School, I journeyed on the "dark side"
for a few years, exploring and practicing Satanism and Crowley rituals. I realised this was taking me down a path I did'nt
want to be on, and at the age of 23, Jesus spoke to me and I was "born again" This wasn't the "religious" Jesus of organized
religion, this was the REAL Jesus who is acurately portrayed in the Scriptures.
Unfortunately, because I was Christian, I got pulled and led, and told to go certain ways within that religion.
Fundamentalists and extreme conservatives recruited me and tried to mold me into what they thought God wanted me to be! I
even took nearly 2 years of Bible college in the 80's from Assembly of Gods Berean Bible School. I dropped out about 3/4 of
the way through after God gave me a vision based on Ezekiel in the Bible, and showed me this was not the spiritual path I
was supposed to be on.
About 12 or 13 years ago I began to explore my native culture and spirituality. In 1993 I really started
getting into it, and have since done a lot of Pow-Wows, Sweat Lodge, personal Vision Quest, was a member of a Native Spiritual
Awareness Circle that taught the Shamanistic way for almost 2 years, and have even attended Sun Dances. Unfortunately I was
condemned by many of my former "Christian" friends for this, and was accused of Witchcraft. God, however, had shown me not
to worry about this, and that people are often limited in their outlook when in certain religion, and tend to compartmentalize
and stereotype things they don't understand.
I've lived often in rural areas, mainly around mountains and water, and like to work with the Earth in natural
ways. I recieved some rather profound revelations from what could be termed "Alien" beings in 1999, which is explained on
the "Orion Files" page. There are certainly "Angels" out there, as well as right here near us, often right next to us. All
we need to do is open our spiritual eyes and our cognitive ethereal awareness and there they are!
I've seen a lot of
"magic" and powerful things happen. Some people find a lot of it hard to believe, and think its only the stuff of storybooks,
but its real. there's a whole spiritual world around us, and the magic of it is VERY real. The acts of Gandalf in Lotr, Tolkiens
stories, etc, is comparable to the acts of Moses in the Bibles Old Testement. Both were "magicians" working with a magical
staff to direct powers. This stuff is real, if a person is open enough to experience it.
I've kept this more sort of as a spiritual biography instead of going into detail about other things, simply
because I'm not interested in drawing attention to myself, and this site is specificly designed for Arwen, and for us to listen
to her words spoken during the visits she has had here in our Realm....
Favorite Band or Musician: (I actually quit listening to most of this stuff awhile ago... Too much darkness in it. added
2/04) ~ Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Nicks, Deep Purple, Metallica, Creme, (Old) Aerosmith, Hendrix, Leonda (An
obscure album, "Leonda-Woman in the Sun" epic records 1968...."Peace & Pipes" rules!)
Favorite TV show: X Files, Alias, Farscape, StarTrek(s), Andromeda, SG-1, Xena
Favorite movie: LOTR, Braveheart, Star Wars, Dances With Wolves
Favorite book: The Bible, LOTR Trilogy, The Silmarillion, Valley of Horses,(All Earths Children books), Black Elk
Speaks, Legend of Starcrash...
My Hobbies Nature, Animals, Writing, Art, Poetry, Music, Songwriting, Spirituality