Arwen was present and I asked her if Elves were related to Orions, which are Elvish beings from
the Stars. This was her answer to me:
"The Elven races of the Third parallel earth are those born of unions between humans of the Third
parallel World and the visitors from Iyulushial, the Hunter in the Stars. Anarien Eye'Yshiel Uosholarii."
Having no understanding of Elvish tongues, I asked a friend to look up these words to see if they
had real meaning. To my amazement, we could translate most of the words. I had written them phoneticly, so the spellings may
not be correct, but this was the interpretation we got:
Iyulushial = The one who carries ( ? ) everlasting
Anarien = Most Bright Sun Maiden, or, Most Bright Maia of the Sun
Eye'Yshiel = She is ( ? ) Star (or) Daughter
Uosholarii = ( ? )____Pointed ears
This revelation proved to me that the words of Arwen were real, as her description in Elvish confirmed
the context of her answer in English. The English translation would read:
"The Elven races of the Third parallel Earth are those born of unions between humans of the Third
parallel World and the visitors from The one who carries____ everlating, the hunter in the Stars. Most Bright Sun Maiden (or,
Maia of the Sun), she is_____ Star (or) Daughter,______Pointed ears.
Arwens First Message as she stood
at the foot of my bed.
By: Arwen Undomiel 03/10/03
E.L.T. (Earth Linear Time)
"I am Arwen Undomiel Evenstar. I come from the third parallel world whos resonance is on a slightly
higher vibration wavelength to your own.
I would be greatly honored to partake in helping return your land to a peaceful community, and am
profoundly moved by the humans desire to see these things come to fruition.
I have often taken on responsibilities I do not have to take on, but it is in my heart to do them.
Your leader Bush does not understand, but he is not a bad man. He just does not understand. In his role as leader he is too
distracted and cannot know to understand. If he had the time to go to the forest and talk to the Elves, he would know the
path to take. But he is too busy.
I am subject to the laws of my parallel world, and have been so far unable to enter your realm except
by revealing myself to those whos minds are open to the magic of my worlds existance. yet in so doing this, it is a step,
and a gateway granting accessability between worlds. Hence the humans may freely take what they learn of my world and apply
it to their own.
I am from your future, as well as from your past. In our world time pools like a lake and its mirror
images reflect in the past, present, and future of your world. Your world exists in a more solid form, but our world you would
find is in a state of flux like the ebb and flow of the tide. Contained, yet not.
Personal sacrifice in times of pending distress, undertaken in the spirit of peace, with the assistance
of the High Masters will ultimately lead you to the reality of ideal community. God is the greatest of the High Masters and
God delegates the magic to us. It is like electricity in your world. You are plugged in to God, and the current of power exists,
but you must turn on the switch to experience the light...."
(There was a slight reference to politics in this message as she refered to Bush.
This message was first published on a site that deals with politics and religion. I had asked her a question about war....
That was her answer. The site I had been visiting appeared to have a lot of chaos and controversy over various issues. Arwen
showed me this was not the way of peace and harmony, and that we should learn to understand people more.)
By: Arwen Undomiel 03/11/03 E.L.T.
"Free the wind blows the grasses to sway at the edge of the emerald forest. From where the wind
comes you do not know, nor to where it goes after touching your hair. as your mortal life, like the wind, moves on its journey,
the ancient spirit comes from a place unseen. Fly upon these winds to the place they are going.
I have watched your world in the long centuries of my lifetime, through the reflective mirror of
the sea of time, a tranquil sea that stills the heart to stop and ponder the meaning of life. The wisdom of Gandolf, and all
the ancient Seers of your world and mine, such wisdom is born on the wind and rides in its circuits, touching those who hear
its voice.
It is they who impact the realm of mortals the most. Even when dealing with enemies one must approach
this task with wisdom and love. In so doing, ones enemy may become their friend, for the same wind touches them, and they
are not so deaf that they cannot hear.
Riding along the forests path swiftly, the wind upon your face.... listen."
("Dear Lady can't you hear the wind blow, and did you know, Your stairway lies on the
whispering wind...." ~ Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin)
("The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell
whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: So is every one that is born of the Spirit." ~ Jesus, in John 3:8)
Arwen Undomiel 03/11/03 E.L.T.
"In time the lands of the worlds will still upon shimmering waters as glass, and the reflections
will be seen clearly. In the minds of mortals there is an imbalance as they feel the rolling waves but are unable to understand
their meanings. As the thoughts are stilled, they merge with the reflection and become transparent as glass.
Reflections in the Sea of Time dissolve so that the eyes can see beneath the waters depths. When
you swim in the waters you enter the world of Fishes and water beasts. When water beasts emerge into the air, they enter a
world of legged creatures and Birds.
When you visit a parallel world it is like swimming underwater. So too for us. A creature of the
air can visit only briefly under the waters, and a creature of the waters can visit only briefly to the world of air. Yet
only the reflective surface separates the two worlds and it is easily breached.
I am Arwen Evenstar, the light that shines at the threshold of darkness, before the deep darkness
of midnight descends. Your world of the First Earth is soon to undergo great darkness, yet in that darkness shines a light
that cannot be extinguished. At the threshold of night the path is open and all are free to pass upon it. No beast or monster
shall beset the one whos determination is to reach the destination which they set out for. Ride through the night and remember,
always remember; One heart motivated by love is greater than one thousand enemies motivated by hatered and greed....Remember."
By: Arwen Undomiel 03/12/03 E.L.T.
But for my love, would that I live forever. But for my love that I do find I live forever,
for what was once considered loss was found my gain. In this, eternity pales before my eyes but for a moment as the shadow
Moon, yet dawn arrives upon eternal rays brilliant.
But for your loss you weep and mourn, not knowing yet the gain awaiting. But for your loss an empty
place among your streets reflecting hearts of empty frailty.
To band together, all to hold anothers hand, seeing not differences, but beholding unity ~ For your
true enemy is within, and you have looked outside at others to place blame for what you yourself have done. As in the
secret thoughts of mortal men, there is a dark desire, manifesting in many forms, the deeds of confusion, affecting others
and restricting the flow of the River.
Yet the River carries to the Sea, slowed by obstacles but never stopped, speaking in its water whispers,
sometimes roaring in its water falls, but ever silent depths behold the magic force that carries on.... Behold.
I am honored that some of you have known me for who I am, the true Arwen born of Elrond half-elven,
and Celebrian of Galadriel, of Lothlorien, long ago in my time, even longer in yours; But as the Sea of Time caresses the
shore of your world, I am ancient and I am young.
I wish not that humans of my closest friends, and Iyulushial, and all the inhabitants yet to be
known, to wander aimless without purpose or knowledge. Reason and logic are shallow and cannot probe the deep. Human reason
restricts true knowledge. True wisdom illuminates the dark of reason. True love is the power of true wisdom.... To know and
to be. Speak not unless your words extend from your core. In so doing, you shall always speak true."
By: Arwen Undomiel, 03/16/03 E.L.T.
"It is to be true Jesus the one called Christ, is the manifest form of God in the Human realm. This
is little understood and it can be said there is a dark viel shrouding this mystery. You equate Jesus as man, and you equate
him as God, but few equate Jesus as what you call Holy Spirit, yet Jesus said in regard to this Sacred most Holy Essence,
that, "I will come to you."
Then, when they allow this Spirit to be part of them, they equate it to an energy to be manipulated and
molded by their own desires. The promptings of true Love and the way of Peace are clouded by selfishness. Here then the lofty
Spirit is quenched, and the flame of fire entwining to reach the highest realms, becomes a smoldering smokey ember, cooling
and ever vacant within.
I of the Spirit join, am not ordered nor order, I flow, and in this the River, I flow, issue forth
as from a Mountain Spring high in the Rock, pure, pristine, to quench the thirst. So as I take I give. So as I give I take.
Everything always flowing, and in this as well, the things of miracles are born....
So to Nature I look, as Nature tells us, the tapestry upon which the One Artist creates the image
of their liking and likeness. Nature breathes the mind of God, so dance in the leaves, hear the sound of the Butterfly, and
stop and sense the gossamer wings of Fae within their Ring, stop, open, all percieve, the gentle silent whisper, the breath
of God, herein lies power as Thunder, yet born of soft silent Dreams, whispers in the breeze, the lofty Spirit everywhere,
only you can shut it out, and only you can choose to recieve....
WoodFae float on Spirits breath.... How this Earth has forgotten the Magic of Love, I do not know.
So speak I to you, my one hope, just one may know the Old Path, eyes inside open, seeing within, then unfolds the external
magic. To be as one and one as all, to kiss the Fae and walk on your journey. The Little Ones always behold the face of God
and no high walls divide their trust."
(Note: In the middle of this message I recorded it without periods, only commas, because Arwens voice just flowed
continually in the content of that message. As she said, it is one, with one meaning, to flow together. I also think that
in the paragraph that starts "I of the Spirit" where she speaks of the flowing River, that paragraph is actually the Holy
Spirit prophesying through Arwen, not Arwen speaking of herself....)