Geneologies & Origins
I was hesitant to publish this because skeptics
may mock, believers may react in numerous unpredictable ways, and I'm not interested in a whole lot of attention. Arwen told
me to go ahead and publish it, and when I expressed my concerns, she asked, "Are you ashamed of me?" Of course I wasn't ashamed
of her, and I felt so bad, thinking that she felt rejected or hidden, but she understood. She told me not to be concerned.
Trust God...
When I had asked Arwen if her origins were
the Stars, and specificly, Orion, she answered with these words, "Iyulushial, Anarien, Eye'Yshiel, Uosholarii." These words
can have an Elvish translation to mean, basicly, a carrier or messenger, Most bright Sun Maiden, or, Maia of the Sun (a name
given here: Anarien) She is a Star or Daughter, and something to do with pointy ears.
As my research progressed I discovered to my amazement
that Arwens lineage traces back to Galadriel, To Earwen, To Olwe, and a mystery Grandmother, so far as I can find. Olwes older
brother was Elu-Thingal, who, legend tells us, either awoke or was born by Cuivienen. His name means, "Star Man" - Not Human!
There is also reference in the lineage to "Maia of the Sun." which can be translated, "Arien" or "Anarien." Therefore Arwen
gave me the ACTUAL NAME of a Grandmother in Galadriels lineage! I had NO knowledge of any of this language or geneology whatsoever,
and it took 2 people a lot of research to make these discoveries!
This all takes us back to the primal beginnings,
the Age of the Trees in Arwens world, when the Elves first emerged on Earth! The Age of the two Trees, how interesting a parallel
to the two Trees in the Garden of Eden in Genesis.
Approximately 6,265 years ago in this Earths (Our
worlds) linear time, there was a young boy in ancient Egypt named Karaphothet. (May not be correct spelling) He was of a magicians
lineage and lived at the dawn of the Egyptian enlightenment and civilization. He often went to the plain by the Nile River
and gazed at the Stars at night. He dreamed of being among the Stars, and sensed their mysteries from afar.
[Note: This reminds me so much of Kalpana Chawla,
the Shuttle astronaut who died in the Columbia accident on Febuary 1, 2003. She too as a child, would go to the courtyard
in her native India, spend all night there gazing up at the sky, dreaming of the Stars and travelling to the Moon.]
Karaphothet got his wish. At age 18 one night he
saw a "Star" descend. Beings emerged from the "Star" vessel, much as they are described in the "Orion Files" page. He was
welcomed aboard and transported to the Orion home world Lea'Yah. His name was changed to Yemi, and he mated with Ayani Alia,
an Orion woman. They bore 3 children, whos names being translated are Spica, Rhea, and Antares; 2 girls, 1 boy.
Spica was blonde, which was a mystery, since both
her parents had dark hair and medium complexion. Spica was named so because the Star we know as Spica is one of the most bright
Stars in the sky. The girl Spica was somewhat of a "sign" because of this, her bright hair and radiant complexion. Spica the
Star is also translated as "Alpha Virginis," "The Maiden," and is 2,100 times more luminous as the Sun. It is also a binary,
2 very close orbiting Stars. I only learned this recently (03/15/03) after Arwen told me her revelation!
Rhea remained on Lea'Yah and bore children that
are the Ayani and Alia "clans" or families. Ayani Tani Ora Yani and Ne'Ah Yay'Ah Alia who were of the Orions who visited me
in '99 are her descendents. Antares is a mystery, although I sense he returned to Earth. I cannot comment since I have no
information on it as of now. Spica did return to Earth, this I know. She was blonde, which would have been considered unusual
in her fathers homeland of Egypt, so she came to Scotland and entered the parallel world we came to know as Middle Earth,
around the Age of the Trees. (Orions are capable of transdimensional phazing into parallel planes. Their resonance is more
compatable with 4th dimensional existance.)
What prompted all my research to investigate
Arwens lineage? One simple statement Arwen made to me a few days ago: "Spica is my Grandmother. I am of her line." She did
not mean her Grandmother as in Galadriel, she meant (As Native Americans do) Grandmother in the sense of any female ancestor
going back beyond her Grandmother, so that, lets say, the Great Great Grandmother could be refered to here.
Spica and Anarien have the same meanings "Most Bright
Sun Maiden" ~ The Alpha Virgin, (Prime Virgin) In my drawing on "My Art" page is Spica. The real Spica I saw in a vision in
'99 looks like her, take away the butterfly faerie wings, and give her blonde hair and a radiant light golden complexion.
How do I know all this? Much has to do with memories.
Not reincarnation. I don't believe in that. I may eventually explain the scientific and quantum research supporting ancestral
memories. Basicly a person can have ancient memories through information stored in their genetics passed down from parents
to children. Australian Aboriginies and Native Americans are among the few in modern times who still do this. People can also
gain memories when sub-elemental particles containing information pass into the food chain of nature and merge with a person
through ingestion.
My Human ancestory fits the first category, that
of ancestral memories. I will deal only with my Native American ancestory in this particular study here, but will eventually
explore the Scotish side more fully as well. I am from a South-Eastern Native tribe in North America. Their ancestors migrated
from the Northwest from the people who entered the land in the Alaska/Canadian region. These also had interaction with "Star-People"
but I'm not going to explore that here. Those people migrated to the South-East and interbred with Egyptian and Phoenician
people who visited the Mississippi and Ohio River regions in the centuries before Christ.
The evidence of this is clear and irrefutable. Phoenician
cuniform tablets discovered in America, Mediterranian style burial mounds, old Native legends of migrations from across the
great sea in giant canoes, and the fact some Eastern Natives have undeniably African features, although they have no African
in their lineage since the European re-discovery of America in the 1500's. America BC by Proffesor Barry Fell contains some
of this research.
My ancient ancestory can be traced back through
my tribe to ancient Egypt, which is the reason why I recieved such vivid memories of Karaphothet/Yemi 4 years ago. He is one
of the few males I've been able to recieve spiritual messages from. But I did not recieve them as from a living Spirit. I
recieved them as memories of the "abduction" and approximately 10 years spent on the Orion home world. This was the Father
of Spica, who we could even call "Spica half-elven" since we now have irrefutable evidence that the Elves origins are indeed
the Stars, literally.
It could even be possible that Antares came to Earth
and entered either Middle Earth, or our First Earth, but I will not speculate. Before I make a claim about anything, I need
undeniable facts, at least when dealing with such deep material as this. Research, much of it done by my Companion, has shown
Arwens words regarding Spica and the Elves origins are true. This is based on the geneologies revealed to Tolkien, as well
as the Elvish translation of the words she said. Tolkien can no longer be considered a fantasy writer of "Make Believe." He
recieved a revelation of a very real parallel world. I'm not even sure if he knew this, but he recieved it nonetheless.
This is what I was hesitant to publish, but technically,
through my ancestory, I would be geneticly related to Arwens line, a connection that goes back to over 6,200 years, but a
connection that does exist. Since my Native ancestors can be traced back to Karaphothet over 6,000 years ago, my ancestral
line at that time would be related to Spica as a Sister or half-Sister.
A Few Interesting References:
"In the preface of the Saga of Hrolf, Torfeus, a
sevetennth century Danish historian, records statemenst made about elves by Einard Gusmond, the Icelandic scholar,
"I am convinced they really do exist, and they are
creatures of God; that they get married like we do, and have children of either sex: we have proof of this in what we know
of the love of some of their women with simple mortals."
William Grant Stuart, in The Popular Superstitions
and Festive Amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland, devotes the second part of his discussion to the same problem. In a
chapter entitled "Of the Passions and Propensities of the Fairies," he has this to say on sexual intercourse with them,
"The fairies are remarkable for the amorousness
of their dispositions, and are not very backward in forming attachments and connections with the people that cannot with propriety
be called their own species."
~ From: "Dimensions" by Jacques Vallee, page 126
"Thou couplest under the stars and the moon, thou
drawest the ship of Aten in the heavens and on earth like the tirelessly revolving stars and the stars at the North Pole that
do not set. Thou are he who directs the sun ship of millions of years."
There is no known place in the world where such
innumerable illustrations of winged symbols of the gods are preserved as in Egypt.
Pyramid texts of the Old Kingdom even describe heavenly
journeys by the king, obviously made with the help of the gods and their boats. So the gods and kings of the Egyptians were
also involved with flying..."
~ Chariots of the Gods,
by Erich Von Daniken pages 63 & 76
(Note: I think in Egypt, as in other parts
of the world, the problem was that most people deified and idolized the "Alien" or Angelic visitors, instead of understanding
that they were also beings created by God.
Arwen makes it very clear that the Elves and
Star People do not seek worship and are only part of Gods creation themselves. they come often as messengers, but not "gods."
I quote Chariots of the Gods only as reference, but I do not agree with the authors view that the Alien beings are gods.)
"You are as the single trunk of a Tree with many
branches and many roots. As the Oak fell to embrace the Mother Earth, its roots revealed, so too your roots are revealed...."
~ Arwen Undomiel, 03/15/03 8:00 pm
Below is a picture of the yard where I used to live
6 years ago. In the upper left is the Oak Tree Arwen is refering to. In May 1998 this Tree fell when a Tornado very selectively
leveled trees all along the road to that house. This is what is refered to in my discussion with Arwen in the "Dialogue" page
about my calling the wind to block something.
I had been 2,000 miles away on a Sacred hill in
South Dakota, praying that God would block the path that my girlfriend would not turn back to the house. (I wont go into detail
why, but it had to do with her mental safety.) She was halfway to me on the highway and I recieved revelation that she had
become undecided and might turn back. She told me after she arrived that this was true.
As I prayed in the still air, a sudden wind came
from nowhere and a pine cone dropped at my feet. I picked it up and said, "God has answered by wind." At the same time the
Tornado struck 2,000 miles away. It uprooted that Oak tree, and blocked access on the road to that house for approximately
24 hours by dropping other trees.
A few months earlier prior to this, a man had told
of his vision where he saw a great Oak Tree overturned in relation to my girlfriend. The Tree falling was a sign, (though
I did not understand it at that time.) Arwen calls it a sign that my roots were to be revealed to me. It was 8 months after
the Tree fell that the Orions first came to me, who are distant relatives of arwen and the Elves.
I believe the Orions coming was preparing me to
meet Arwen, which has happened now, 4 years later. For some reason most of my deepest spiritual and mystical revealtion comes
between January to March, then fades after the Equinox. this has proved true, especially in the years 1993, 1995, 1999, and
now in 2003.
Now arwen reveals the symbolism of the Tree and
its roots. the sequential events unfolding in this ongoing spiritual and physical journey are astounding, even for me, who
takes such happenings naturally.
Don't you just love my former pet, a full blood
Maine Coon Cat, who was born in the wild, found in the forest of the mountain, and was always half-wild? He was my friend,
and he always brought me Mice and Chipmunks as gifts. Of course I politely refused these offerings, since Sapphire Raven part-Elven
does not eat Mice !....
I'll explain the picture below and its meaning if
I get to it today. It has to do with the Tree, not the Kitty, but he was my favorite cat too.... A wild Maine Coon Cat....