Above picture Copyright, by Brody Klotzman, please do not download without permission. Click here for site.

By Arwen Undomiel:
"I am of the High Elven race, those whos stature is comparable to humans.
There are also smaller Elven races, those who live entirely in the forest, making their homes
in the roots of trees and amidst rocks.
These are delightful, fun loving creatures, always playful, and sometimes michievious.
The woodland Faeries also inhabit their world, which is the Second World, a parallel world.
Its vibrations often overlap your First World and our Third.
This shifting between dimensions, as you call it, is a simple task for us, but more difficult
for creatures of the First World, which is a more solid realm...."

The photo above is of an Elfin home in the base of a Tree in the Mountains behind my home. There are many such "Elf Houses"
like this in the woods where I live....