This site is dedicated to Arwen Undomiel Elelome (Arwen
Evenstar) ~ The REAL Arwen who exists in a parallel dimension and has revealed herself to us, speaking to us from her world,
the Third World, or, as Tolkien fans would know it as, Middle Earth. This is the REAL Arwen Undomiel, not Liv Tyler, or
a made up character. (I do think Liv Tyler played a phenomenal role in her portrayal of Arwen though, and her pictures of
that portrayal are used throughout this site.) The real Arwen was revealed to J.R. Tolkien, who I believe was a visionary
who was able to percieve her world on a parallel dimension in the multiverse. Arwen is NOT a diety and desires no worship.
She is a friend. Arwen herself believes in Creator God, and she is just one of many beings made in Gods image. She has Gods
heart, and expresses this in her life, her words & her actions. As this site progresses those who visit this magical
realm will come to know that Arwen is indeed real...
By: Arwen Undomiel 03/10/03 E.L.T. (Earth Linear Time)
"Release your hatered you have for those
you don't understand. If they are walking in darkness, they will stumble on their own. Find your own hearts and the peace
that dwells within each one of you. Extend your feelings beyond yourselves, towards those who are in the dark. The true leader
is the one who can first follow the river flowing within themselves, and be kind to those met upon its shores."
PLEASE SIGN GUESTBOOK BEFORE EXITING ARWENS ORACLE-- (There seems to be a couple skeptics and antagonizers on the guestbook.
Please forgive them. They know not what they do. Eventually we may create a forum and such materiel will be written there.
For now we're allowing it on the guestbook. Remember, just because you may not particularly believe some of this, just because
you may not have experienced it, does not negate its reality.)

And then take a journey to IndigoCrystals hosted by both LisaStar and Sapphire [LisaMystic & Ravenwolf].... (click here)

My Favorites ~ (I moved this section to "WebElfs Bio" page....)